Conducting an end of month review
The end of month is a good opportunity to take stock of how the business performed over the past 30 days. It is also a good opportunity to consider how the business functioned on a daily basis over the past 30 days.
Did we meet our sales targets?
What percentage of outstanding debt did we recover?
Are we cash flow negative or positive?
Did we meet deadlines on our compliance obligations—renewing insurance, safety obligations, privacy notices, etc.?
How did our marketing efforts perform? Did we convert prospective customers to actual customers? Did we increase subscribers to relevant communications?
How did the day to day work flow? Was it planned and organized, or were we running from one task to the next without any focus on priority?
What should we do differently in the next 30 days to position the business for ongoing success?
What additional support do we need?
What questions do we need to ask and answer this month?
Have we contributed to the overall growth and wellbeing of another person or business?